Father gave me two scriptures for 2024 and it was two scriptures that I knew or thought I knew well!
The first one was.
Mathew 6:33
Seek you first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you.
When God gives me a word, I write it down every week at the top of my prayer diary for a year and read it often, this helps me to meditate consistently on that word and so far this year I have realised that I am not always seeking Him first in some areas of my life and I am beginning to get new insight into this scripture.
The second scripture is.
Mark 5: 36
Do not be afraid Only believe.
Now I understand its early days however I am beginning to realise that although I have been seeking the kingdom and believing I am beginning to understand that there is so much more depth to my Fathers word, and I am understanding this from a different perspective.
When we continue to pursue God and really meditate on the areas that we want to change in us He never lets us down and gives us fresh understanding. Now when God gave me those scriptures even although I knew them well, I also knew that He had more for me. Have you ever been in church and the speaker starts to speak about something you already know and you kind of switch off? I have done this however when this happens God has more for you on whatever that subject might be. It took me a while to realise this however as Gods children we will never stop growing or maturing until we go home.
Therefor we always need to have an open and willing mindset on what God has for us. Amen praise God that He is never done with us and never gives up on us.
When we seek him first, He will keep all His promises James 4:8 says when we draw near to God, He will draw near to us.
Mathew 5:6 tells us: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled.
Oh, praise the Lord for His goodness.
Now we have been speaking about God’s favour these last couple of weeks and,
Psalm 34:10 says.
Those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.
Do you believe what this scripture says?
Sometimes we can read and say we believe but think yes for someone else but not for me because:
- I’m not good enough.
- I’m not brainy.
- I don’t deserve it.
- I’m a failure:
The list goes on. Rember that scripture God Gave me do not be afraid sometimes I think we are afraid to believe what God says.
The reason I started Malachi Ministries was I was going on to zoom meetings during the start of the covid and prior to the covid I used to hear beautiful Christian folks speak so negatively about their circumstances and a lot of the time this was like sitting in a doctor’s surgery except it was church and I used to think where is their faith.
When you are around people who talk like this it affects your spirit and it deflates you,
The word tells us in that psalm if we seek the Lord we shall not lack.
Gods blessing and favour will work in our lives today just as it did for those who believed in the Bible.
Seeking the Lord is an ongoing progress in our lives and the more we seek Him in the good times and in the bad times in other words all the time God will honour us, and His blessing and favour will grow. When we love God and pursue Him then our attitude will change, and we will want more and more of Him Amen.
Paul had been walking with God for approx. 30 years he had been imprisoned bitten by a snake shipwrecked, beaten, stoned, yet he wrote I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish that I may know Him (Phil 3:8-10) Paul had known God all through this time yet he wanted to know Him more.
Everything that God said was created by the spoken word and as we learn the word in the bible and come into agreement not to speak on the negative things we will change as we believe and declare His goodness over us and then what we are doing is placing ourselves in a position to receive and as we receive then we believe and it changes us more and more, now this is not easy however its one step at a time and as we see God working supernaturally in whatever situation we then grow more confident in Him and our trust grows and we change.
God says don’t look to the bigness of your need Look to the bigness of your God!
Your circumstances are hindrance’s to seeing MY ABILITIES.
If you keep your eyes on your circumstances the devil will use them to defeat, you and accuse the word of God the written and living word.
Your victory is in keeping your eye on the bigness of God and HIS Ability.
He HAS PROMISED to take you step by step not all at once.
But step by step and each step will be a miracle.
AMEN Praise God.
God has an awesome plan for each of us and it all begins as we seek Him first and there are many distractions out in the world and many are disillusioned and this is where the seed of the word can become choked by the cares of the world but also by the distractions of the age we live in (Mark 4:18-19) in this age of technology that we live in there is so much out there looking for our attention movies internet gadgets etc. etc. these are facts of the world we live in BUT GOD and we have to use the systems or technology to our advantage not what Satan has deigned it for Amen. Now we can use iPad and internet for bible info at our fingertips it’s amazing I have a Strongs commentary and dictionary that ten years ago I used to pour over it for info that now takes the touch of a button so to speak.
When we position ourselves for Gods favour, we should always to have a right motive in our hearts when God spoke to Jeremiah in 17:10 He said I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.
What does trying the reins mean?
In The Message Bible it says I get to the root of things, so we can see that with God motive matters. As I said last week God sees everything right into our very being Amen.
God is not against us having anything, but He is concerned about the why or our motive behind it.
If we want to receive blessing, then we must be prepared to help others along the way by spreading the good news cooking a meal for a neighbour encouraging others helping the poor and generally blessing others as God leads its not to keep all the knowledge and other things to ourselves. We can do this in many ways by for example, volunteering for mission or an outreach, starting a bible study, giving financially as God leads. God will bless you as you bless others, and it does not happen overnight it’s a step by step.
Here is a prayer that may help.
Father thank you that your favour surrounds me and that your favour goes before me.
i have access to the throne of divine favour and in time of need that favour comes my way. Thank you, Lord in Jesus name.
you know many Christians today have an escape mentality and tend to say things like oh God I’m in a mess please get me out of it.
A supernatural mentality says I’m going to live right in the middle of this trouble and not be troubled by it, we can do that because we are chosen and set apart and we have God’s gift of supernatural favour. Amen