Believing in the word
Whatever you have decided to believe is going to have authority in your life.
God flows through you in the Holy Spirit.
Both God and the devil have power through us
Psalm 24:1
To you oh Lord I lift my soul
Surrender and honour and listen to your Father in heaven.
Psalm 115:16
The heavens and the earth are the Lords but the earth He has given to the children of men.
He has given us authority and He will flow through us when we are surrendered to His will Amen.
Good and bad is done through God or the devil using human beings therefore what we believe and speak out of our mouths that will come to pass.
Isaiah spoke many years ahead of a virgin was going to have a child, but He spoke it according and in obedience to what God had said using his faith and it came to pass,
Jeremiah also spoke out in faith he has said that God knows the plans for each of us and we need the hope and the faith to take that word speak it out and believe it listen meditate on it and obey what God is advising or asking us to do,
That is freedom of choice.
Mathew 16:13
Every plant which my heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted. The blind leading the blind and both will fall into a ditch.
When we listen to what Father is saying we will have a peace about it. When it’s not from Him we are unsure undecided not so confident and most importantly we will not have peace. Another thing that we often do is look to man for confirmation. Now we are to take advice from others however we also need to take that back to God and the word for testing.
Many prophets spoke out in faith, and it came to pass some have given us a word for our lives like Jeremiah and we still must take that word by faith and walk in it. Amen.
How many of you have had a prophetic word given and believed it?
Well, all of God’s word is prophetic in the beginning was the word and we are advised to take any prophetic given to us back to the word to test it also must resonate with our spirit, so God has already been dealing with us and his word helps us to move in the right direction.
The word is truth.
Joel 2:28
And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy.
Your old men shall dream dreams.
And your young men shall see visions.
Well has this prophesy come to pass. The prophetic word is in us. Older people are having visions and many youngsters are having dreams and visions.
I believe we are in a season of awakening and the reason for the pandemic was to bring us closer to God and bring change about how we speak and witness to the world.
Now I believe we have entered into this prophecy, Look at what is happening out there we know the truth and I have witnessed children as young as 5&6 speaking out prophetically in churches and I believe God is awakening his children and it’s time to rise up and speak out what God gives us to say Amen.
Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue.
And those who love it will eat its fruit.
That’s your tongue and my tongue not your husbands or wife’s or next-door neighbours’ tongue but yours Amen.
When we are agreeing with Father we will have peace and speak out in quiet confidence.
Mark 11:23
You will have what you say.
Hebrews 6:18
That by two immutable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie.
Listen to this account of Bartimaeus in:
Mark 10:47-48
And when he cried out and say Jesus’ son of David, have mercy on me.
Then many warned him to be quiet; but he called out more.
He was not letting the devil steal his boldness we need to stand up and speak out we know the truth.
We can use our faith to change our circumstances.
Look at the example in 1st Samuel C30V
David was out at battle doing what he was supposed to do, and they came home to find they had been raided and all their families and belongings had been stolen. David’s men turned on him, but David sought the lord and the lord said go and get them back so the pursued them and got them all back.
What is holding you back from recovering what the devil has stolen from your marriage business home your finances?
We need to believe we have authority in this world through Jesus and the word and get up and start warfarin like Bartimaeus and David ours is a spiritual battle using the word of God Amen,
We need to believe we have more power in the word and through the word all things are possible.
Faith is the connection to God without it we can do nothing.
Isaiah 55:1
Everyone who thirsts come to the waters:
And you who have no money come buy and eat.
Yes, come but wine and milk without money and without price.
Faith is the connection, provision, protection, and the way to God,
Disconnect from the worlds way and connect to Gods way and watch your life change.
Look at Elijah and Elisha
Elisha wanted what Elijah had and he had to take hold of it by faith (2Kings c7)
He ended up with a double portion Amen.
Jeremiah 29:11
I know the (plans) thoughts I have for you says the Lord plans of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end.