Galatians 5:1(NIV)
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then, and do not let yourself be burdened by the yolk of slavery.
God created you to live a life of total freedom. Not trapped by fear, doubt, depression, confusion, uncertainty, loneliness etc.
How do we change? I think one of the first reasons we could think of is:
- Do you want to change
- Do you want to have more of God?
Sometimes we see change as traumatic and painful therefore we try to avoid it and stay in our comfort zones
However, if we are in the word constantly alongside with applying it into our daily lives this can be minimized through the meditation of the word because that is what can change us and then it is not so painful.
Another factor is knowing and understanding our seasons for change and being obedient to God.
For instance, a young couple get married they move out of their parents’ homes and into their own and they find that they are now responsible for all the bills and the household chores their season has changed. They still enjoy life and go out a lot with friends etc. then along comes a baby yet again their season is changing, and they find that they can’t keep going out with friends as they now have a baby to look after.
We are the same sometimes God will ask us to go after a certain promotion in workplace or maybe change church or go into or lay down a certain ministry. However, are we doing these things through being led by the Holy Spirit or if it is going into a ministry is it because of a sense of we are doing something for God.
Sometimes when we can fear change its because we have an insecurity of who we are, or we want to have something that God has not planned for us, and this can cause us to be fearful. We can learn a lot from Adam and Eve God gave them freedom and had provided everything they needed in the garden, yet Eve was tempted to have something that she did not need she was tempted into thinking that she would be better off if she knew more and that was her downfall. Adam listened to her and instead of being obedient to God he also was persuaded by her then they were both afraid. We can all put ourselves so easily into that place.
When we meditate on the word it is like a seed that gets planted into the ground it grows on the inside of you as it takes root in your heart.
Luke 6:45
A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil.
When evil resides in the heart, it will be exposed in language contrary to the truth of God and to love.
When I have a conversation with other folks I can usually pick up where they are through conversation. It was one of the main reasons I started this on a Saturday morning. During the start of the covid I was going on to some zoom meets and it was like walking and being in the world the conversations were all doom and gloom and I wondered where God was in it all. It was a situation that concerned me, and my spirit was certainly not encouraged when I came away from these meetings.
When we share the truth of Gods word and not the ways of the world our spirits are lifted quite simply because His word is alive Amen praise the Lord.
Proverbs 4:23-24
Above all else Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life.
Put away from you a deceitful mouth and put perverse lips far from you.
Quote from Oswald Chambers
If we do not resolutely cast out the natural, the supernatural can never become natural in us.
One of the ways that help us to stay free is by studying the word in an area that you are struggling in if it’s a health issue then what does God say, if it’s a family issue then study unconditional love if its financial then study provision if its friendships then study boundaries and loving unconditionally etc.
If it’s a work or church situation pray and ask God for wisdom and leave the battle to Him, I remember about 3 years ago God gave me exodus 14:14 and I meditated on it constantly now I can leave the battles to Him, and I stand back and watch another is Isaiah 54: 17 no weapon formed against me shall prosper and I use it regularly.
There are over 7000 of God’s promises throughout the bible and He has covered our every need. We are also covered by His blood and are in covenant with Him. He has also promised us that He will be with us always.
We are all going to be in some sort of circumstances every however the word keeps us safe the word that is stored in our hearts we receive from God constantly He loves each one of us and He also knew all about our sins, mistakes and every wart that we have or will have yet He still loved us. All He wants is for us to believe Him and just love Him and talk to Him ask Him for help wisdom and guidance every day,
Jeremiah 33:3 says call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know.
These great and mighty things for me are the simplicity of love and wisdom because He does not complicate things. We do by trying to earn His love in the ministry or the doing of stuff when all He wants is to be with us and just talk and share our everyday stuff. He has walked and talked in an earthly body and when He was 12 years old, he left his parents on a family pilgrimage and went to the temple because He wanted to learn about the word. He was there for three days before they found Him.
Are you hungry for the word?
Luke 2:41-49
Here are some samples that could make each one of us anxious:
- Health issues in ourselves and family
- Financial issues
- Family
- Friendships
- Church situations
- Ministries
- Feeling obliged to do something
Philippians 4:6-7
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and minds through Christ Jesus.
Paul wrote the book of Philippians while he was in prison in Rome. He was setting an example to the Phillipe’s to help them to speak the word of God without fear in the face of persecution
Phil 1:14
And because of my chains most of my brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord.
Song of Solomen 2:15
Catch us the foxes
It’s the little foxes that spoil the vine
For our vines have tender grapes.
The more we meditate and practice the word the more our trust and confidence in God and what He can do builds which in turn helps us to have a life of more freedom.